Archive | January, 2011

Have you kissed dating good-bye?

27 Jan

According to a recent national survey by researchers at Rutgers University, 94 percent of singles stated that they want to marry their soul mate.  However, many of them acknowledged a lack of confidence in being able to achieve this goal. Below are two stories from individuals who obviously followed their hearts but forgot to consult their head in their relationships.

Listen to Marks’ story, he’s thirty-eight, and at the end of a three-year relationship:

I felt sorry for Jenell the first time we talked. She was going through a divorce from a real jerk who cheated on her. I wondered how any guy could do something like that to her; she was so beautiful and nice. She told me she had never been treated or loved in the ways that I took care of her. When I heard about her screwed-up family, I realized why she seemed to feel so “at home” with jerks. It felt great to give her love, something she said she really never had.  Around the fourth month of dating, however, Jenell became moody and picked fights with me, as if she wanted to be mad. I kept trying to make things better, and they were, for a while, but then she would go back into her shell. I should not have stayed with her so long. Why do I always get into the relationships where I am the giver?

Now, let’s listen to Tasha, twenty-eight, at the end of a five-year relationship:

The thing that impressed me most when I met Duane (thirty-one) was that he was so good with my six-year old son. He always talked to him, horsed around and played with him, and would even bring him surprises when he came to my apartment to see me. Being a single mother, I easily fell in love with the father my son never had. I was bothered by the way Duane became harsh sometimes with me, but I wrote if off as just a bad mood. And anyway, you’ve got to take the bad with the good. We married on our first anniversary of going out, but from that time on he was never the same. He had frequent rages and treated me just like his father had treated his mother. I never thought he would act like that; he had been so different before we married. How do I miss the signs of what he was going to be like in marriage?

Do these stories sound familiar? Do you know someone making the same mistakes? Is there really a way to follow your heart and include your head when it comes down to relationships? Yes, there is. I teach a singles class which is comprised of both male and female with ages ranging from 22 to 70 something.

A few months ago our discussion was fun, thought provoking and interactive. Everyone brought a unique perspective to the table.  The one thing we had in common was that we agreed that it is insanity to keep doing same thing and expecting different results. Everyone confessed that we really didn’t  know as much about relationships that we thought we did. Many people have learned about relationships from watching their parents or older siblings,  televison shows, reading novels and friends. Even with that, what made have worked for others, may not necessarily be right for you. To thine own self be true.
Grant it, we’ve all dated before, right? But that doesn’t mean that we knew what we were doing. If the truth be told just like Marc and Tasha many of us had no clue about dating. How many times have we chosen to date  people for all the wrong reasons.? For some of us it’s too many to count.

But does that mean that we have to kiss dating good-bye? No, it does not. It means that single adults need new information to get the kind of results they want. When you are exposing yourself to  information to help you establish a  foundation for healthy, balanced relationships you are preparing yourself with the tools need for a fulfilling marriage.

During our singles class with pen and paper in hand some of questions we answered and discussed ranged from: Do you enjoy being single? How have you chosen the people you’ve dated in the past? Would you do it that same way today? On a scale of 1 to 10 do you feel that you are prepared for marriage? to questions like How would you know if you are ready to date? Do you feel whole without a mate? Have you resolved past relationships hurts?

The answers to these questions were very interesting.  Questions like these makes you think. And while we haven’t touched the tip of the iceberg, everyone went away excited and looking forward to coming together again for more relationship empowerment.

Will 2011 be your year of breakthrough?

27 Jan

Do you need a breakthrough? A breakthrough is a type of release. It’s being able to remove yourself from that which has kept you in bondage. It’s seeing the strongholds in your life break loose. Breakthrough is a process. It’s normally not seen with the natural eyes. But you can feel it happening.

At times you may feel like you’ve moved two steps forward, and at the same time ten steps backwards. But when you’re in the process of breakthrough you see it as part of process. When it’s your season of breakthgough there is feeling of uneasiness. You start asking questions, ” “Why am I here” “What is my purpose” Why did I survive all that I’ve been through”.

There is a sense of discontentment, which is different from complaining and murmuring. There are some people who complain about where they are in life. They complain about this and they complain about that. They talk about what this person isn’t doing or that person isn’t doing. Yet, they want a breakthrough but won’t lift a finger to help themselves.

Neither are they willing to do anything about what they are complaining about. Do you know this kind of person? Being in relationships with people who murmur or who live in the sea of complaints can be very toxic. People like this will drain your spirit. And when it’s time for you to give birth to your destiny, you may not have the strength to P.U.S.H.

On the other hand when you have greatness inside of you there is no way that you can be content with mediocrity. Mediocrity is living below your known true potential. It’s allowing oneself to accept the norm. It’s never going beyond, but doing just enough to get by. It’s pleasing the status quo. Doing what everybody is doing, because it looks like the right thing to do. Mediocrity is the failure to do your best, live your best and be your best. It’s blaming other people for holding you down.

But when you are discontent that means that you want clarity. You desire to know the steps you need to take to make things happen. It means that you are willing to allow your steps to be divinely ordered. Anytime you say to yourself, “There has to me more to life than this”, that means more is looking for you.  It’s your wake up call to the potential for greatness on the inside of you.

What’s tugging at your heart?  When you are ready to answer that call you ask, seek and knock. Unfortunately, we can’t find that which we are not looking for. Doors that we don’t knock on won’t just open. We can’t obtain that which we don’t open our mouths and ask for.

I know that 2010 has been a rough year for all us. Job losses, lay-offs, foreclosures, illnesses and untimely accidents and deaths have taken a toll on many families in this community. But I am of the belief that 2011 can be one of the greatest years of your life. This is the year that you can go from the pit to the palace. 2011 can be your year of financial transition and breakthrough.

Do you remember Joseph in the Bible? Like Joseph, this could be your season of breakthrough. Joseph was only 17 years old when he was sold into slavery. He was 30 years old when he was promoted by Pharaoh. And he was in prison before that. This means that Joseph was in Potiphar’s house for 11 years prior to being falsely accused and thrown in prison.

What seemed like injustice was the very thing that caused Joseph to rise from the pit to the palace. He had to go through the process and make the transition in order to receive his promotion.

What have you gone through in 2010? What pit have you found yourself in? Was it the pit of unemployment, the pit of divorce, the pit of prison, the pit of addiction, sickness or death?

Whatever place you found yourself in last year was part of your process to greatness. If you desire breakthrough, prepare for the promise. You may have been through a lot but you are still here. As long as there is life in you, you can possess the promise.

How bad do you want it? Do not let what happened in 2010 keep you from what’s already yours in 2011. Refuse to allow anger or bitterness to stop the flow of your breakthrough. Forgive those who hurt you. In life people will hurt, betray, or disappoint you. What you do with your hurt is what matters.

Hurt people, hurt people. Wounded people leak issues. They bleed. They hurt. They damage others. But healthy people heal. Deal with the pits of 2010, and prepare for the palace of 2011.

Expect 2011 to be your year of BREAKTHROUGH!

You are not your story

27 Jan

I am writing today to encourage those who have experienced a traumatic event in their lives whether be it childhood abuse, sexual molestation, rape, family violence, abandonment or rejection. Regardless of  the inner turmoil and pain, sleepless nights, depression, fear, anxiety and stress, isolation, addiction, low-self-esteem, guilt and shame there is more to you than what you see. You are not your story.

In fact, what’s your story? We all have a story to tell. But you’re still not the sum of your past. You story will always be part of your history. You will always remember what you went through. But it will not always hurt.

Many of us are allowing the past to impact the present. We’ve survived, but we’re still suffering from an identity crisis. We’re afraid to move forward. Afraid to forgive. Afraid to become successful. Afraid to want more out of life, and expect more from people.  I’ve found that people will treat you the way that you allow them to treat you. If you don’t love yourself. Don’t expect people to love you. If you don’t honor and respect yourself. Guess what, neither will people. We attract to us what we are. When you truly love who you are with all of your shortcomings, flaws and weaknesses the world will have to adjust to who you are becoming.

What’s keeping you from coming into the full understanding of who you really are? We are all champions, born with “seeds of greatness”.

In just a few more days all the pain that you’ve been through won’t hurt anymore. You will live again. Laugh again. Love again. Dream again.

Reality is we’ve all been hurt. We’ve all been broken. We’ve all been wounded. We’ve all experienced some bleeding. But it’s time for the blood to dry up. Some of us have even been betrayed by those we love. Some of us have been used and abused. Some of us have been rejected by men. But the truth of the matter is, whenever you have been rejected by men, you have been CHOSEN by God.

He looks for those who would dare to say, “I’m hurting. I’m broken. I’m wounded”. So He can give you fresh start. He wants to help you begin again. He wants to wipe your slate clean and help you start over. He wants to prepare a table for you right in the presence of your enemies. Your enemies are watching and waiting for you to fall. But guess what? Those who didn’t want you to rise will have to see you rise once again. You’re coming out on top! Give your self a high-five and say, “See you at the top”.

When you don’t have anyone to encourage you, you have to learn how to encourage yourself. Look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself, “I still got it going on”.

It’s time for you to choose to get rid of the junk in your trunk, and finally become the whole woman soul, body and spirit you were meant to me. It’s time for you to close some chapters in your life and rewrite your story. What will be your new beginning?

It’s time for the QUEEEN in you to arise and take her rightful place. It’s time to break the cycle and reposition your soul (mind, will, emotions) to thrive.

Expecting to see you at the TOP!

Jacquelyn Aluotto Honored as one of the Top Ten Female CEO’s of 2010

24 Jan

Top Ten Female CEO’s of 2010

Jacquelyn was named as one of the Top Ten CEO’s of 2010 on the website 360

347 – Real Beauty Real Women … of film maker and human activist, Jacquelyn Aluotto, CEO of Pick It Up Pictures and recipient of the prestigious 2010 BOSS Award as a Network Influencer.

The BOSS Network is listed one of Forbes’ 10 Best Career Sites for Women.


Producer/Director, Jacquelyn Aluotto and Host, George Ortiz



Human trafficking in 2011? Yes it’s happening!

11 Jan

For those that may not know today is national Human Trafficking Awareness Day.

This day is date meant to bring attention to the fact that human trafficking remains a serious problem both in the United States and abroad.

Is there something that you can do to help? Lets all work together.
Check out  U.N. Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking and find a way to help.


9 Jan

Changing Lives –  Red Carpet Media Events –  Celebrity Interviews – Behind the Scenes –Fashion Shows – Charity Events – Music Videos – How To Videos – Makeovers

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Jacquelyn Aluotto and RBRW Host George Ortiz.

Jacquelyn Aluotto was honored as a Network Influencer by The Boss Network, one of the 10 Best career websites for women according to Forbes magazine. Jacquelyn Aluotto is recognized throughout the United States as a powerful human activist, a filmmaker, and an expert on social issues in America. She has spoken on behalf of victims to congressional representatives and judges. She has appeared at political events, rallies, and on radio and television. In telling her moving stories with passion, grit, and humanity, she has captured the hearts of real women and girls of several generations.


As host of RealBeautyRealWomen, George Ortiz excels in many ways.  His astounding good looks, impeccable sense of style, and sincere passion for the victims, make him a real magnet for the eyes and ears of men and women alike. He has also participated in numerous fundraisers and personally visited shelters, volunteering his time to help in any way he can.  He not only works in front of the camera but also is involved in creating celebrity fashion events, many of which are covered by RealBeautyRealWomen and is the official Spokesperson for the documentary ‘Not In My Backyard.’

by Linda Morand
Photos by Desmond O’Toole

Linda Morand Hair and makeup by David Frank Ray - Beauty Artists Star Awards.

Fall and Winter of 2010 was a whirlwind  for RBRW and me personally.   I have noticed that so many of the former and current top models, celebrities, pop stars and jet setters want to give back.  They want to use whatever sphere of influence they have, large or small, to help people less fortunate than themselves.  They are lending an ear to the cries of distress in the world around them. The cult of celebrity has a good side.  If each of these renowned, or even notorious, people can influence just a few people to do something to help, give money, toys, donate time or just show up and talk, who knows how many people they can inspire? The only way for Evil to triumph is if Good people do nothing. This spirit is moving across the country as people realize what a mess we have made of society. It goes across religious, racial and political lines and socio-economic levels.

My relationship with RBRW began when I was contacted by model Maria MacDonald who had started a project called Cover Girls for Change, a NY Models Reunion & Red Carpet Charity Event. I am very active in the background of the modeling industry as an archivist, historian, commentator and executive producer, so Maria invited me to volunteer my time and help with the guest list.  Then she asked me to participate in a fashion show to benefit the Redlight Children Campaign, a grass roots organization started by Guy Jacobsen.

The REDLIGHT CHILDREN Campaign is the latest phase of a journey that began in 2002 with New York Lawyer Guy Jacobson. While traveling in Phnom Penh, Jacobson encountered a barrage of young girls, some just 5-years old, aggressively soliciting prostitution. The horror was not lost on him. Shortly thereafter, he began gathering a passionate group of advocates determined to protect young children in danger of becoming part of the global sex trade.

I had heard of REDLIGHT CHILDREN and was very supportive of their efforts. Although I have been long retired from modeling, preferring to work behind the scenes in a production capacity, I do participate in special events from time to time. I was thrilled to work with legendary models like Pat Cleveland and Alva Chin and other top models who had also donated their time for this very worthy cause.

Jacquelyn Aluotto: "The average homeless child in America is nine years old, and over four women are murdered each and everyday due to domestic violence. Fifty percent of all homeless people are children and women, most fleeing abuse and trying to start a new life.You have to ask yourself what is happening to this country, and this is exactly what I did in my film. I posed this question in different ways through statistics, raw footage, interviews, archival footage, and taped statements. There is an epidemic that has been brewing in this country for years and it affects people we all know daily. I have seen this epidemic with my own eyes and through the lens of my camera for six years. For those six years I created different relationships with many different victims, social workers, directors, advocates, lawyers, judges, and caring individuals who are all involved personally or professionally in the cause for domestic violence. I feel honored to have met and befriended many of these individuals and I know their stories will really touch everyone who views the documentary. My hope is this film will inspire others and make people aware of what is going on around them. I want people to be shocked into action by what they see, I want them to question the laws and decisions created by our government and our society. I want them to stand up and do something about this huge problem that is affecting millions of people. I want people to care. This is why I created this film. We as a society and government ignore what is going on in our own backyards. The film is getting a great response. I have obligations. I gave people my word that have no voices and are living in fear, that I would help them. Everyone told me it was impossible to film in underground shelters. I did. They also say it’s impossible to change the world. It’s not. I see people helping people and changing lives every day."


Award winning filmmaker, Jacquelyn Aluotto contacted me at the same time to inquire whether her crew from Real Beauty Real Women could cover the event, taking photos and videos and videos of models and celebrities with her state of the art equipment.  Cover Girls for Change was delighted and Ms. Aluotto, whose idea it was to mix glamour, and social consciousness,  in a web based reality series, interviewed all the models and attending celebrities on camera.

Jay Alexander of "America's Next Top Model" talking with Jacquelyn Aluotto at the "Cover Girls for Change" Event. He was almost in tears at the plight of the women and children fleeing from rampant domestic violence and abuse.

On one hand, RBRW provides exclusive looks into to the world of glamorous celebrities through in-depth interviews, live event coverage and exclusive backstage footage. Viewers and members are provided with instant exclusive Tweets, social media postings, online photos and instant on-line Red Carpet interviews.  Many of the celebrities, models, stylists and beauty artists are unsung heroes in their efforts to help those less fortunate. They are given a platform to promote their favorite causes and to promote their latest endeavors.

Then the team goes into the actual shelters to volunteer in many ways and to help inspire the residents, whose lives have been torn apart. They become the voice of these “voiceless victims.”  This is quite a feat because it is very difficult, almost impossible, for outsiders to build up the trust to be able to enter these hidden safe houses.  The whereabouts of the residents must be kept secret, as their well-being and very lives are in jeopardy.

RBRW displays the poignant, award-winning documentaryNot in My Backyard.” The entire film can be viewed currently on and is soon to premiere in New York City at a star studded Red Carpet Event.


I met the beautiful, dynamic and driven, Ms. Aluotto, in person at the glamorous event held in a New York City venue.  I watched her in action as she shot some backstage business and interviewed the attending celebrities, including  Jay Alexander of  America’s Next Top Model, one of my favorite celebs. She also interviewed Reggie Wells, the personal friend and long time and celebrity  make-up artist of Oprah Winfrey, who voiced his support of this cause.  The Legendary Vogue Hair Stylist, Harry King was interviewed, as were the celebrity models.

Standing on the sidelines,  and then when I was being interviewed, I was impressed by Ms. Aluotto’s sincerity, strength of character, energy and dedication to helping women and children.  She had the ability to tell the story concisely in a very compelling way.  No one walked away unimpressed with Ms. Aluotto, and her mission.

“So the next time you hear about someone in need of help… help them,” Jacquelyn Aluotto says.  “It can be as simple as going through your closet, giving $5 for food, giving some beauty supplies to a shelter .  Remember many people have given up everything to escape abuse and save their lives and the lives of their children.”

I was given a copy the DVD, “Not In My Backyard”.  I took it home and watched it. The very moving documentary provided a firsthand view of the perilous lives of the victims of domestic violence.  The poignant film changed my life as I learned the staggering statistics on the numbers of women and children, fleeing abuse or stuck in violent situations.  Jacquelyn had spent seven years traveling around the US and interviewing women and children in underground shelters. Her Award Winning video  can be seen FREE online here on this website. Click here: “NOT IN MY BACKYARD.” RBRW WEBSITE

I read more about Ms. Aluotto’s fledgling, a website for  “the Socially Conscious Fashionista.”  Real Beauty Real Women is about physical beauty and celebrity, but it truly  asks how these women and men feel about social issues.  Are they socially conscious?  Do they have a heart  for humanity? These interviews and sound bites give the celebrity a platform to reach the world, giving voice to voiceless victims, whether they are human or animal.

As a director and role model, Jacquelyn continues to motivate me and the rest of the evolving team.   She does not just show up for the events, but she does physical labor and drives often to the shelters to distribute clothes, toys and other necessities and goodies she can muster up.  She is a tireless crusader and has garnered a tremendous amount of support and goodwill from real women and men everywhere.

Many people, including noted celebrities, continued to contact Jacquelyn Aluotto about appearing on the show and helping with the cause, or wanting her film crew to cover their  charitable event or wanting Jacquelyn for an interview.  At every event she gave away some of her DVDs and directed everybody to the website where the entire film can be viewed online free.

I was delighted to be asked to join her show as a guest-host/writer/networker and interviewer.  Plans were made to shoot a pilot for a TV Show in January. I introduced Ms. Aluotto to noted Creative Consultant, David Frank Ray, Director of The Beauty Artists Star Awards and Founder of ‘The Beauty Artists Hall of Fame. We began to attend exciting meetings in mid-town Manhattan.  David Frank Ray, introduced the RBRW team some celebrity make-up artists, hair stylists and fashion stylists who are all concerned about the problems of domestic violence, and eager to participate in the makeover specials on the RBRW Show.

One of these was the Superstar Dynamo George Ortiz, of Project Runway. George was immediately struck by the cause and became a very passionate advocate, his own life having been touched by domestic violence.  He introduced many more interesting and helpful people to RealBeautyRealWomen and constantly raises awareness of the show, the documentary and its mission.

‘Shore’ style? Not at Jersey Fashion Week  Emerging designers strive to reclaim Garden State’s reputation.

“Snooki may have given us the pouf, and Bravo’s “Housewives” might have reintroduced booty shorts, but that’s not how Jersey fashionistas want their Garden State represented. Members of New Jersey’s fashion industry have seized upon their desire to redefine themselves on their own terms: This fall ushered in the first-ever New Jersey Fashion Week (or “NJFW,” as it’s called by insiders). Organizers hosted an event on Monday and Tuesday that was not meant to be about New Jersey, but rather, hosted by New Jersey. Thankfully, though, NJFW managed to ditch the kitsch while retaining the state’s trademark flash — and no one was disappointed.”

Above quote by Merisa Fink contributor 

Ms. Aluotto is legendary in New Jersey, her home state.  David Frank Ray, George Ortiz and I were asked to volunteer our time  help co-host the RealBeautyRealWomen show at the First Annual New Jersey Fashion Week. We had so much fun at the event, which was held in a beautiful venue. Pleasantdale Château, once the private home of industrial magnate C.W. Nichols, hosts elegant  meetings, photo shoots, celebrity events and weddings.

Pleasantdale Château is now the most exclusive, private and sought-after venue for private social events and corporate meetings in the tri-state area.


We joined Jacquelyn and each interviewed  TV stars, sports figures, actors, moguls and models.  There was great food, flowing champagne, beautiful girls, handsome men, pretty clothes, perfume, flowers and everything. I had never really interviewed anyone on the Red Carpet before, but it was not hard and I took to it right away. It was quite heady. I do prefer a longer, in depth interview, for which I have more. experience and am scheduled to conduct a few early this year, but meeting  so many people up close who were dressed beautifully, with lovely hair and make-up is fun, too. Especially if I can ask them about how they are helping or would like to help.  So many generous hearts are out there.  It just takes a little bit from everyone.  It all adds up. The first night I wore a long velvet sheath dress by Adrian Alicia and on the second evening I wore a beautiful gown by Michael Kaye.

Linda Morand wearing a beaded designer gown by Michael Kaye.


RBRW interviewed and photographed Caroline Manzo, Dina Manzo and Lauren Manzo from The Real Housewives of New Jersey, Tracy Dim Arco, Anna Demidova from Dancing with the Stars, and Toni Geiger the number 1 ranked Team USA Judo fighter and Olympic Gold Medal hopeful  as well as new young hip-hop artist Giorgio GIGG Scalone. The stars of the hit show Jerseylicious were there taping the reality show for the Style Network. Alexa Prisco, star of Jerseylicious and the owner of  The Glam Fairy, helped create the  beautiful makeup for the fabulous runway show.

The “Women in Entertainment Empowerment Network” Celebrate the Second Annual Ween Awards Gala in NYC

Jacquelyn and her team attended this event and interviewed the following celebs. Sponsored by Anheuser-Busch, Inc. the 2010 WEEN Awards gala recipients included Hydeia Broadbent, International HIV/AIDS activist; Nia Long, actor and philanthropist; LeToya Luckett, Grammy award-winning R&B singer; Angie Martinez, multi-media personality; Soledad O’Brien, CNN anchor and special correspondent; and Esther Silver-Parker, President and CEO of The SilverParker Group. Presenters include Estelle, singer/songwriter; Gayle King, television host and editor-at-large for O, The Oprah Magazine; Egypt, television and radio personality; Alesha Renee, television correspondent; Mashonda, singer/songwriter; Kandi Burruss, singer/songwriter; and Geraldine Moriba, CNN executive producer.  The evening’s entertainment includes Bilal, Plug Research Music recording artist; Lyle Jennings, Warner Brothers/Asylum Records recording artist and DJ’s; DJ Kiss and DJ Aasha Adore.

Halloween Fundraiser to Benefit   “Save Our Sisters”

Rising star Jeff Moffitt, New Jersey Housewife, Danielle Staub, George Ortiz and Jacquelyn holding the DVD 'Not In My Backyard" at the Eric Alt Halloween Party.

The next glamorous event that I was invited to attend with RealBeautyRealWomen., was the crazy Halloween Party at the Eric Alt Salon in Ridgewood, New Jersey. All the New Jersey Celebs were there.  Even the mayor and the Chief of Police showed up to say hello. I was dressed as Cruella de Vil. We had fun hamming it up in character, glad to be able to raise awareness for the voiceless victims who need us.

The event raised a lot of money to help shelter refugees from abuse and violence.  It all comes back to that.  This is a problem that is not going to go away by itself.  If we do nothing these abused children could grow up to be abusers themselves., and have miserable,  unproductive lives.  We can have fun, but we cannot forget the plight of our fellow man or animals or whatever we  are moved to do to help, big or small.  You cannot do everything.  But don’t be overwhelmed by the enormity of the problem.  If each person only helped one person that would make it all much better.

Lingerie New York – At Cipriani 42nd Street, the Seven Bar Foundation gathered 500 guests for its first New York Lingerie Fashion Show to raise funds in the name of microfinance.

The philanthropic organization, headed by director Renate Mutis Black and sheriff Kim Hoedeman, is designed to give underprivileged women loans to spearhead their own businesses, and last year launched a series of undergarment-focused shows as a way to build awareness and collect donations. After visiting Miami in February 2009, the foundation headed to New York for its second event, and plans to host others in Los Angeles and 15 other cities in the coming years.

After a lovely cocktail hour, we were for dinner and the night's program began with an introduction to the nonprofit and its mission by Black, Hoedeman, and host Sofia Vergara, as well as a video message from co-chair Deepak Chopra about the importance of empowering women. The parade of ladies' intimates followed, showcasing Parisian couturier Carine Gilson's silky underthings and Atsuko Kudo's latex wares on more than 40 models, including Elsa Benitez, Crystal Renn, and Liya Kebede. The aerial performers also wore panties, albeit under skin-colored bodysuits, launching the foundation's Y collection of underwear with energetic acrobatics on strips of silk suspended from the ceiling.


Like Miami’s show, the New York affair included a dinner, runway presentation, and live and silent auction, adding an elevated catwalk and round tables of 10 to the former bank’s main ballroom. To spice up the night, co-chair Veronica Webb (who hosted the Miami event), hit the runway in a corset illuminated with embedded LED lights.

Aerialists from ImaginAerial performed on silk ropes to launch the foundation's new Y panty.


I attended as a guest of Mr. David Frank Ray, who has a very popular Beauty Industry blog called Make-Up Beat and he and a guest were invited to honor that.

George Ortiz was running the entire hair team back stage, and was a wonder to see in action, as he supervised the creation of dozens of fantastic hairstyles, just as he does for so many glamorous events. He personally attended Supermodel Veronica Webb looking totally glam in black leather.

Russel Simmons was interviewed. He is very supportive of RBRW


The fashion show was excellent, all the models were fabulous and the lingerie was exquisite.  It was very tastefully done. George found time to interview some celebrities on the Red Carpet, do some networking, stop by the table for a picture and be interviewed himself, all the while looking quite dashing. George is actively involved with the SevenBar Foundation. Comedian Sherrod Small ran the live auction from the catwalk, with items like a walk-on role in Men in Black III and a fully staffed Ferretti yacht in the Bahamas offered to complement the silent-auction lots displayed earlier in the night. Through ticket sales and the live auction, the event grossed nearly $500,000 for the foundation.

Tim Gunn’s Fashion Forward


Dr. Marjorie Hill , Wendy Williams

Tim Gunn and Gay Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC) hosted their Fashion Forward benefit at Skylight Studios to celebrate the fashion industry’s long standing commitment to both LGBTT issues and the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The evening included a cocktail reception and silent auction, followed by a fantastic runway show featuring the designs of Ports 1961 by Tia Cibani, Charles Nolan, John Varvatos, Tim Hamilton, Michael Bastian, and Betsey Johnson.

Tim Gunn acted as the MC for the night, along with Project Runway’s Jack Mackenroth, whose campaign Living Positive by Design co-sponsored the event. The show attracted a fabulously fun and fashionable crowd, with a guest list including Beverly Johnson, Kristian Laliberte, Malan Breton, Suede Baum, Kevin Covais, Tia Walker, fencing friends Tim Moorehouse and Jason Rogers, and Crystle Stewart, this year’s Miss USA. RBRW was able to interview many of them.

George Ortiz Interviews Tim Gunn of Project Runway.


LuAnn DeLesseps of The New York Housewives Attends Fashion Forward


Another of George’s projects was Designers Against Aids. I was thrilled to be photographed with the legendary model  B. Smith. We clowned around for the camera in designer T-shirts, with a huge logo: DAA, which were falling off us or being pulled off.  It was all in good fun.  The pictures will be used to raise AIDS Awareness, emphasizing Prevention. Once again, Jacquelyn Aluotto was there with her crew.  She specializes in behind the scenes at these glamorous events. She got many interviews from celebrities including models, actors, musicians, designers and young fashionistas, as well as film of the actual photo shoot.  I have not seen the photos yet, but I hear they are great. George was in charge of the Hair and make-up.  Everyone looked and felt beautiful.  George Ortiz was in charge of the hair and make-up.

“Stylist to the Hollywood stars Katharine Polk is a big DAA supporter. Earlier his month she organized a shoot in New York City, with talent from all areas of pop culture wearing their T-shirts!

With this shoot, Polk declares December to be 'World AIDS Month': "Not only World AIDS Day on December 1, but a whole month dedicated to HIV/AIDS awareness and solidarity." We would like to thank her and all the participating stars -Estelle, Carson Kressley, Teyonah Parris, Ksenia Solo, Anna Chlumsky, Brandon Victor Dixon, journalist Jared Eng, top models, Linda Morand, B. Smith and various other top models- for supporting DAA!"


Non-profit organization ‘Beauty Without Irony’ has launched the international project ‘Designers Against AIDS’ (DAA) in 2004 in order to raise AIDS awareness in the international media and towards the general public, more specifically towards young people in the industrialized countries using elements from pop culture (music, fashion, design, arts, sports, film, celebrities, etc). AIDS awareness project Designers Against AIDS -born in Belgium, but active all over the world- wants to reach young people by using their favorite celebrities from the worlds of music, fashion, sports and art to raise their interest and curiosity, making them visit the website, click on the links to local AIDS organizations and learn more about the disease.

Red Light Children Casino Themed Event A Night of Entertainment

David, George Jacquelyn and I attended A Night of Entertainment featuring World Series of Poker Champion, Tom McEvoy; professional poker player, Beth Shak; actress and host of ABC’s “Good Samaritans” Amy Weber; Project Runway’s Celebrity Hairstylist, George Ortiz; and other surprise celebrity guests for a “Night of Entertainment,” a casino themed charity event sponsored by Caesars Palace on Wednesday, December 15, 2010 at Amnesia NYC.

Its scope is shocking. According to UNICEF, over two million children are involved — from kids around the world who are kidnapped from their families to children victimized on the internet via community sites and chatrooms.

It is your problem. It is our problem. This site is a very small step towards educating people like you and enabling active opposition. And the next step is action.

Creative Consultant David Frank Ray, Producer,Jacquelyn Aluotto, Linda Morand and George Ortiz

Some of the RBRW team joined 4 time World Series of Poker Champion, Tom McEvoy; professional poker player, Beth Shak; actress and host of ABC’s “Good SamaritansAmy Weber; Project Runway’s Celebrity Hairstylist, George Ortiz; and other surprise celebrity guests for a “Night of Entertainment,” a casino themed charity event sponsored by Caesars Palace on Wednesday, December 15, 2010 at Amnesia NYC. We were honored to meet Guy Jacobsen the founder of Red Light Children and many of his friends and supporters.

Guy Jacobson with World-class professional poker player, Beth Shak and World Series Poker Champion Tom McEvoy

The night kicked off with a Red Carpet Cocktail Reception and Open Bar featuring Belvedere Vodka and Magners Original Irish Cider at 6:00 PM followed by a spectacular Casino Night including a Texas Hold’em Poker tournament, mini Blackjack and Roulette tournaments, a silent auction, raffles and more!

Val Tignini of Valsecrets and founder Guy Jacobson

The Redlight Children Campaign was inspired by Guy Jacobson’s personal experiences backpacking in Cambodia in 2002. While traveling in Phnom Penh, a group of young girls, some only five years old, began to aggressively solicit him for prostitution. Although he refused several times, they revealed to him that they would be beaten by the brothel owners if they returned empty-handed. After Jacobson gave them some money and left, he was motivated to create Redlight Children.

Shortly thereafter, Jacobson decided to utilize mass media as a vehicle for social change through his film production company, Priority Films. He teamed up with Israeli actress Adi Ezroni to create the first phase of the Redlight Children Campaign, the K11 Project. They went undercover in Cambodian brothels using espionage equipment and secret cameras to research the plight of child trafficking victims.


Redlight Children Fundraiser, December 15, 2010 Amy Weber is inspiring ordinary people to do extraordinary things in her new show, Good Samaritans. Do people want to help out or are they too busy with their own hectic lives? These questions are asked in the new reality TV series that Amy is hosting and acting as Executive Producer. Every single day children are kidnapped and forced into the global, multi-billion dollar sex industry. Interpol estimates that this trafficking of children and young women is the third largest international criminal activity.

RBRW covers the red carpet: Jerry Rosenbaum and Rebecca Rosenbaum owners and operators of JR Trading Company who were proud to be on of the sponsors for the night Redlight Children

Kelly Killoren Bensimon, no longer the newest Housewife, is known as one of New York City's major Taste Makers. An avid supporter of the charity Feeding America, she also donates her time to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Kelly also adds a new publication to her modeling portfolio – Playboy, with a March cover, spread/interview. She splits her time between New York City and East Hampton.

The night kicked off with a Red Carpet Cocktail Reception and Open Bar featuring Belvedere Vodka and Magners Original Irish Cider at 6:00 PM, followed by a spectacular Casino Night including a Texas Hold’em Poker tournament, mini Blackjack and Roulette tournaments, a silent auction, raffles and more! I got to do an interview of Lou Bifona, tireless activists for the abused children.

George Ortiz and Jacquelyn Aluotto interviewed celebrities and attendees on the Red carpet and then took the camera, mike and lights around the room.  I usually don’t like gambling but in this was for a very good cause and all in fun.

RBRW covered the United Cerbral Palsy of New York City at The Famous Pink Tea Cup.

Model & founder & CEO of Called2Create Sky Sheridan was excited to be on RBRW with our host George Ortiz. He is a big supporter of our and we are also of him.


The Santa Project Holiday Party benefited United Cerebral Palsy of NYC, New York City’s premiere agency for Children and adults living with disabilities. Go to their website and check it out. It is wonderful!

Edward R. Mathews, CEO of United Cerebral of New York City for over 22 years. He is a real power broker in the world of providing services to children and families living with disabilities and he is one of the foremost experts in the field of charities. A lot of families with children who have disabilities lose their homes and their children and families have special needs. Edward help save families and keep them together.

The party was  hosted by and Film & Theatre Director/Producer & Entrepreneur Lawrence Page and to model Camilla Barungi of Project Runway fame with Celebrity guests from Fashion, Film, Television and Broadway.  It was an amazing event for an amazing cause.

Check out the celebrities on BRRW that want to make a difference!

Our friend model Camilla Barungi having a great time on our show RBRW with RBRW star George Ortiz at the event. Camilla helped host the Santa Project Holiday Project benefiting United Cerebral Palsy of New York City.


Project Runway designer Logan Neitzel on RBRW show with George Ortiz at the United Cerebral Palsey event.

A little boy who has Cerebral Palsy getting a toy and having a good time. This is what Christmas and charity is about giving.


World Peace begins at Home July 2010

Jerseylicious Star Alexa Prisco attended the World Peace begins At Home Event, last summer.  Ms. Aluotto organized it. Among many other things, the fun day included makeovers and a fashion show by the residents of an underground shelter. The women received new clothes, haircuts and make-up as well as accessories. The self-esteem that comes from looking your best, coupled with good counseling, job search and educational help is priceless.


Real Beauty – Real Women

4 Jan

Changing Lives –  Red Carpet Media Events –  Celebrity Interviews – Behind the Scenes – Fashion Shows – Charity Events – Music Videos – -How To Videos – Makeovers



  • Real Beauty Real is a content rich website created for the socially conscious fashionista,” bridging the gap between those fashion forward visitors who love the glamour and excitement of the fashion world, and those who want to become more socially active.
  • “RBRW’s exciting and varied content promotes awareness of pressing social issues faced by millions of women and children in this country, with special emphasis on the of plight domestic violence victims. Their mission is to help them to “Break the Cycle” by pointing to a ‘way out’ through a place of safety, education, career help, counseling, practical fashion and grooming tools.  By building self-esteem, self-discipline, and social skills, Real Women everywhere can make the most of themselves, no matter what the obstacles are.
  • Real Beauty Real is getting a great response from sponsors as well as celebrities, models, designers, and beauty stylists, who want a chance to “give back” by appearing on the show and volunteering their help in turning lives around. Many have lived through, or witnessed the ravages of domestic violence and have broken the cycle themselves. Now they want to inspire others to do so.
  • Founded July 20, 2010, is the creation of film maker and human activist, Jacquelyn Aluotto, CEO of Pick It Up Pictures and recipient of the prestigious 2010 BOSS Award as a Network Influencer”. The BOSS Network is listed one of Forbes’ 10 Best Career Sites for Women.


  • On one hand, RBRW provides exclusive looks into to the world of glamorous celebrities through in-depth interviews, live event coverage and exclusive backstage footage. Viewers and members are provided with instant exclusive Tweets, social media postings, online photos and instant on-line Red Carpet interviews.  Many of the celebrities, models, stylists and beauty artists are unsung heroes in their efforts to help those less fortunate. They are given a platform to promote their favorite causes and to promote their latest endeavors.
  • Then the team goes into the actual shelters to volunteer in many ways and to help inspire the residents, whose lives have been torn apart. They become the voice of these “voiceless victims.”  This is quite a feat because it is very difficult, almost impossible, for outsiders to build up the trust to be able to enter these hidden safe houses.  The whereabouts of the residents must be kept secret, as their well-being and very lives are in jeopardy.
  • With never before seen footage, this heartrending chronicle tells the touching stories of battered women and children in America, seeking refuge at underground shelters, so named because their location is hidden from the public to keep abusers at bay. The problems of battering and abuse cross all socio economic lines and comprise all races and creeds.
  • “We are the real deal and that is why the media and the press are amazed by this,” Jacquelyn declares.  “I spent seven years in shelters filming and interviewing Real Women and I will continue to do so for the rest of my life. Shelters break the Cycle of Violence.”
  • “Humanity is the most important thing in this world. We all need to start living that way of life,” Ms. Aluotto says, “I have obligations. I have made promises.  I help people who have no voices and are living in fear. Everyone told me it was impossible to film in underground shelters. I did. They also say it is impossible to change the world. It’s not.”
  • Through Real Beauty Real Women we see people helping people and changing lives every day”